- 連邦議会図書館 Library of Congress (WWW) [lcweb.loc.gov]
- 立法府 (連邦議会) [www.congress.gov]
—上院 (Senate) [www.senate.gov]
—下院 (House of Representatives) [www.house.gov]
—History, Art & Archive:U.S. House of Representatives [history.house.gov]
- FirstGov [www.firstgov.gov]—-政府の入口
- Govinfo [www.govinfo.gov]
- 政府・政治・法 [lcweb.loc.gov]
- The United States Government Manual [www.govinfo.gov]—検索ならここ。
- The United States Government Printing Office (GPO) [www.access.gpo.gov]
- National Archives and Records Administration [www.nara.gov]—歴史文書を含む
- FEDSTATS [www.fedstats.gov]—-統計資料はここ。
- 連邦選挙委員会 (Federal Election Commission) [www.fec.gov]
- ホワイトハウス
White House WWW Home Page - 通商代表部
United States Trade Representative - 商務省
Commerce Department
Economics and Statistics Administration (STAT-USA) - 労働省
Labor Department (DoL) - 司法省
Justice Department - 連邦通信委員会
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) - 連邦取引委員会
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) - 社会保障関係
Social Security Administration - 環境保護庁
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- PolitiFact [www.politifact.com]
- American National Election Studies(ANES) [www.electionstudies.org]
- 連邦議会議員総覧 (1774-) [bioguide.congress.gov]
- GovSearch [www.carrollpublishing.com]
- アメリカ政治学会 [www.apsanet.org]
—-政治史 (Politics & History) [www.h-net.org]
- Allpolitics (CNN/TIME) [allpolitics.com]
- C-Span [www.c-span.org]
- Congress.Org [www.congress.org]
- CAPWEB [www.voxpop.org]
- FedWorld Information Network [www.fedworld.gov]
- National Center for Policy Analysis [www.ncpa.org]
- ハーバード JFK School of Government [www.ksg.harvard.edu]
- 民主党 [www.democrats.org]
- The Principles Project [www.principlesproject.com]
- 共和党 Republican National Committee (RNC) [www.rnc.org]
- GOPnet.com [gopnet.com]
- eGovLinks [www.egovlinks.com]
- Organization of American States [www.oas.org]
- Stateside Associates (州の政治情報) [www.stateside.com]
- Real Clear Politics [www.realclearpolitics.com]
- American Conservative Union (ACU) [www.conservative.org]
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) [www.aclu.org]
- Project Vote Smart [www.vote-smart.org]
- The Center for Responsive Politics [www.opernsecrets.org]
- vote.com [www.vote.com]
- Vote Smart Web [www.vote-smart.org]
- コンコードコアリション (Concord Coalition) [www.concordcoalition.org]
- 政治、法、社会 (Government, Law and Society) [eserver.org]
- 政府関係情報の見つけ方 (Yale U.Library) [guides.library.yale.edu]
- The Center for Public Integrity [www.publicintegrity.org]
- California Voter Foundation [www.calvoter.org]
- The Cato Institute [cato.org]
- The Heritage Foundation [www.heritage.org]
- The Hoover Digest [www.hooverdigest.org]
- MoveOn.org [www.moveon.org]
- Public Citizen[www.citizen.org]
- Patchwork Nation[www.patchworknation.org]