Since the establishment, in June 2008, of the Tohoku University Global COE Program on “Gender Equality and Multicultural Conviviality in the Age of Globalization”, the Research Center for Gender Equality and Multicultural Conviviality has been undertaking research and education activities. For more information on the Tohoku University Global COE Program, visit

Building upon the previous 21st Century COE Program on “Gender, Law and Policy”, since the establishment of the Global COE, the Centre has been renamed to integrate the intersecting perspectives of “Gender Equality and Multicultural Conviviality”. For more information the 21st Century COE Program, visit:


As of July 2010, the “GCOE Research Center for Gender Equality and Multicultural Conviviality” has moved to the following location:

Extended Education & Research Building 1st Floor, (Former Head Office)
Katahira Campus, Tohoku University
2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8577 JAPAN
Tel: 022-217-6251/6253/6254    Fax: 022-217-6252
E-mail :
Hours of Operation : 9:00AM to 5:00PM

Katahira Campus Access Map 1F Building
Access Map (Click to enlarge)

About the Center's Library

The Center is home to a library of over 7500 specialized publications on gender equality and multicultural conviviality.
