About the Center's Library

Who may use the Library?

  • GCOE Program Members, Research Associates, Fellows and Research Assistants (RAs)
  • Faculty Staff, Graduate and Undergraduate Students, others affiliated with the Center.

Library Hours of Operation

Open Monday to Friday, 9:00AM to 5:00PM
Closed 1) Saturdays, Sundays, National and Other Statutory Holidays
2) New Year's Break
3) Holidays regulated by internal (Law Faculty) labor-management agreements

Perusing the Collection / Borrowing Privileges

The Center Library offers free access to its collection for on-site perusal of books.
For information on borrowing privileges, please speak with the Library Manager.


It is possible for GCOE Program Members, Research Associates, Fellows and RAs to use the Library photocopier during the Hours of Operation to a maximum of 30 pages per person.


Users resulting in damage to the books and/or the loss of books will be financially responsible for paying all replacement costs incurred by the Center.