
Seminar Report

Cluster A : Political Participation

* Seminar (2/9/2004)
[Co-organizer : Le Groupe de recherche franco-japonais de Droit public]
"Parity and Human Rights in France"
Professor Veronique GIMENO (ATER, Université de Grenoble II)
Professor Dominique ROUSSEAU (Université de Montpellier I)
Professor Takako INOUE (Dokkyo University)
Professor Miyoko TSUJIMURA (Tohoku University)

* Seminar (16/7/2004)
"Gender Equal Policy in Japan"
Ms. Natori HANIWA (Director of Gender Equality Bureau, Cabinet Office)
"The Quota System Which Spreads in the World"
Professor Misako IWAMOTO (Mie University)

* Seminar (28/5/2004)
"Two Dimensions of Public Space and the Freedom"
Professor Junichi SAITO (Waseda University)

* Seminar (26/3/2004)
"The Research Trend Regarding the Political Participation of the Women in U.S.A"
Professor Masako AIUCHI (Hokkaido Asai Gakuen University)

Cluster B : Employment and Social Welfare

* Seminar (10/12/2004)
"Gender Disparities in Income : Pay Equity Strategy"
Professor. ISHIRO Shunko (Tokohagakuen University)

* Seminar (20/5/2004)
"Two Positive Actions : New Trends of Gender Equal Policy in Employment"
Professor Yuichiro MIZUMACHI (Tokyo University)
"Indirect Sex Discrimination : Its Requirements and Conditions"
Ms. Izumi HARADA (Lawyer, Graduate Student of School of Law)

* Seminar (19/3/2004)
"Work and Gender"
Mr. Hideo MIZUTANI (Lawyer)
Commentator : Associate Prof. Sayaka DAKE, Ms.Tamako HASEGAWA (Graduate Student, School of Law, and JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow)

Cluster C : Family

* Seminar (14/10/2004)
"Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (1980)"
Dr. Hans van LOON (Secretary General, Hague Conference on Private International Law)

* Seminar (16/9/2004)
"Divorce, Conciliation and Procedures for Disputes Concerning Family Law"
Mr. Koichi TAKANO (Lawyer)

* Seminar (22/7/2004)
"Family, Constitution and Gender"
Professor Mariko TAKEDA (Kinjogakuin University)

* Seminar (3/6/2004)
"Optional Separate-Surname System for Married Couples"
Honorary Professor Koichi BAI (Tokyo Metropolitan University)

* Seminar (14/2/2004)
"Contractualization of Family"
Professor Atsushi OMURA (University of Tokyo)

Cluster D : Physical Liberty and Sexuality

* Seminar (28/4/2004)
"Women's Body and Autonomy"
Professor Noriko WAKAO (Hiroshima Prefectural Women's University)

* Seminar (27/1/2004)
"Criminal Regulation of High-Tech Porn in Japan"
Dr. Yoshiyuki NAGAI
"Freedom of Expression and Pornography"

Cluster E : Human Security

* Seminar (8/9/2004)
"Gender in the Context of International Criminal Law"
Professor Kazuya SAKAMOTO (Kyushu International University)

* Seminar (2/7/2004)
"UN Secretariat and Gender Mainstreaming : from the Viewpoint of International Law"
Ms. Kiyomi NAKASHIMA (COE Fellow)
"The Significance of the International Criminalization of Crimes against Humanity : International Protection of Human Rights through the International Criminal Procedure"
Mr. Takamichi INOSE (Graduate Student of School of Law)

* Seminar (3/2/2004)
"Human Security : Introduction"
Mr. Kinhide MUSHAKOJI (former Vice-Rector of the United Nations University)

* Seminar (23/1/2004)
"Canada's Foreign Policy for Human Security"
Professor Hiroaki KATO (Daito Bunka University)

Cluster F : Gender Education

* Seminar (24/9/2004)
"From the Gender Free Educational Ideal to the Gender Sensitive Educational Ideal"
Professor Tatsuro SAKAMOTO (Soka University)

* Seminar (17/6/2004)
"Teaching Profession in Taiwan"
Professor Yoshikazu OGAWA (Faculty of Education)
"New Trends of School Curriculum Since 1980s in the U.S."
Professor Kazuya TANIGUCHI (Faculty of Education)

* Seminar (9/3/2004)
"The Organization and Development Process of Fujin Jokai"
Masahi SUDA (Graduate Student of School of Education, Tohoku University)
"The Review of Studies on "Ryosai Kenbo Ideology"
Akifumi OSAKO (Graduate Student of School of Education)
"Middle School's Curriculum and University Student's Gender Consciousness"
Kazuya TANIGUCHI (Faculty of Eucation) and Chihiro Sato (Student of School of Education)

* Seminar (15/1/2004)
"Minority and Gender"
Profesor Lee INJA (Faculty of Education, Tohoku University)

Cosponsored by the Clusters

(20/12/2004) 1st Anniversary of the Gender Law and Policy Center
"Sexual and Reproductive Self-determination, and Gender : The Changing Family"
Professor EHARA Yumiko (Tokyo Metropolitan University)

* Seminar (7/10/2004) [B. D Cluster]
"Legal issues on Domestic Violence"
Ms. Taeko KOJIMA (Lawyer)

* Symposium (27/9/2004) [Co-organized by Science Council of Japan]
"Gender, Law Study and Political Science"
Professor TSUJIMURA Miyoko (Tohoku University)
Professor IWAI Yoshiko (Senshu University)
Professor ASAKUEA Mutsuko (Waseda University)
Professor KAINO Tamie (Ochanomizu University)
Professor WAKAO Noriko (Hirosihima Prefecutural Women's University)
Professor YAMASHITA Yasuko (Bunkyo University)
Professor TOSA Hiroyuki ( Kobe University)

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