Vol.LXXVII (2013)

No.1 (April 2013)

Le contrôle des clauses abusives dans le domaine des actions sociales Sayaka DAKE
Justification of diversity-based affirmative action (III) : What is the meaning of diversity Youhei MOGI
Case Comment
Case on Criminal Law Criminal Law Seminar of Tohoku University

No.2 (June 2013)

Responsabilité de la puissance publique et responsabilité des commettants (III) Taro NAKAHARA
Interpretation of Treaties in the Light of “relevant rules of international law”(I) Hiroki HORIMI
Procedural protections in the freeze-out arena (III) Yoshihiro ITO

No.3 (August 2013)

Memorandum on how to rectify a false real property registration
--Concerning the request for the procedure on rectification of the real property registration to a false nominated person from one of joint heirs--
The Democratic Thought of Alexander Dunlop Lindsay (II) : The Congregational Tradition and Its Succession Itsuharu NAKAMURA
Interpretation of Treaties in the Light of “relevant rules of international law” (II) Hiroki HORIMI
Umgang und die rechtliche Stellung des Kindes--über die Umgangsverweigerung des Kindes-- Maria ROOTS

No.4 (October 2013)

The Origin and Early Development of the Chinese Communist Party's Infiltration of Various Military Groups during the Republican Period Yusuke ANAMI
Jurisdictional Functions of the Nationality of Companies in International Investment Treaty Arbitrations (I) Takamichi INOSE
Case Comment
Case on Civil Law Civil Law Seminar of Tohoku University
Two Japanese Translations of Blackstone's “Commentaries” in the Meiji Era Takashi OUCHI

No.5 (December 2013)

A Study of the Early Rikken Seiyukai (I) : Party Election Tactics and the Process of Organizational Consolidation Taketo FUSHIMI
Dr. Bonham's Case Revisited as a Historical Origin of the Judicial Review of Statutes Sadao KOYAMA
Jurisdictional Functions of the Nationality of Companies in International Investment Treaty Arbitrations (II) Takamichi INOSE

No.6 (January 2014)

Dignity and the Constitution Tsunemasa ARIKAWA
An Aspect of Judicial Activism in Canada : In Terms of Democratic Rights Yusuke KAWAKITA
Rethinking the Right Not to Vote Hiromichi SASAKI
Legal Issues To Be Concerned With Special Education For University Students With Developmental Disabilities Yuichiro SATO
The Standard of judicial review on Equality in the Constitutional Court of Korea Eunyoung SOH
Why government can regulate broadcasting? --FCC v. Fox. Aki TASHIRO
A Preliminary Study on the Affirmative Action Akio NAKABAYASHI
Recent Debates on Alexy's Principles Theory Nozomi HAYAKAWA
The Consensus on Justifications of Affirmative Action Yohei MOGI
The reconsideration concerning the self defense theory Emi YANO
Souveraineté dans la théorie constitutionnelle contemporaine Hajime YAMAMOTO
Gender Quotas : What is all the Fuss?
Japan's Democratic Electoral Rules and Power-sharing for Diverse Political Identities
Jackie F. STEELE
Career and Works of Professor Miyoko TSUJIMURA
General Index to Vol.77