Vol.LXXV (2011)

No.1 (April 2011)

Responsabilité de la puissance publique et responsabilité des commettants (II) Taro NAKAHARA
Inequality between regular and non-regular workers and their regulations (II) Mio ABE
Case Comment
Case on Business Law Business Law Seminar of Tohoku University

No.2 (June 2011)

An Analysis of the Roberts Court's Judicial Minimalism --Contemporary Theories of Statutory Interpretation in American Law (I) Hideaki SERIZAWA
Inequality between regular and non-regular workers and their regulations (III) Mio ABE
Case Comment
Case on Business Law Business Law Seminar of Tohoku University
Case on Public Law Public Law Seminar of Tohoku University
Case on Public Law Public Law Seminar of Tohoku University

No.3 (August 2011)

Study on the theoretical Basis of Juristic Person in Private International Law Keisuke TAKESHITA
The Democratic Thought of Alexander Dunlop Lindsay (I) : The Congregational Tradition and Its Succession Itsuharu NAKAMURA
Case Comment
Case on Business Law Business Law Seminar of Tohoku University

No.4 (October 2011)

An essay on Seiichiro ONO Hirotoshi UCHIUMI
A Study Concerning the Implementation and Enforcement of Muncipal Law in Early Modern Edo Taro KOGAYU
Protection of databases in the United Kingdam (II) Masami ASHIDATE
Case Comment
Case on Criminal Law Criminal Law Seminar of Tohoku University

No.5 (January 2012)

On the Regulation of “Kenkwa” in Sengoku Period : Re-orientation of “The Law to Punish Both Parties in a Private Battle” Ryo HATAKEYAMA
On the Placement Agencies in Sendai-Clan Masashi YOSHIDA
On the Placement Agencies in Sendai-Clan Masashi YOSHIDA
Criterion for Imposing Penalty of the Da Qing Lü Li (大清律令) and the Qiushen Tiaokuan (秋審条款) in Qing Dynasty: in Case of Killing in Course of an Affray “Douou” (闘殴) Mieko AKAGI
A confinement chained to an iron bar (鎖帯鉄桿) and a confinement chained to a block of stone (鎖帯石), and criminal procedures in late Qing China Hidemitsu SUZUKI
Transformation of the Civil Procedure and “the Formative Era of American Law” (I) Takashi OUCHI
Career and Works of Professor Masashi YOSHIDA

No.6 (January 2012)

Die Risikoverringerung Motoi MIYAGAWA
Eine Betrachtung über die Fahrlässigkeitsbestrafung Yukako ISHIKAWA
Eine Betrachtung über den extensiven Notwehrexzess (II) Yukinori NARUSE
Entwicklung der “actio libera in causa” (I) Keiko TOGASHI
Über die Bedeutung vom Tatplan beim Urteil des Anfangs der Ausführung Mari KANAZAWA
Über die Kritik von C.C. Stübel gegen die herrschende Teilnahmelehre Kazuhiro ONODERA
Beihilfe durch Unterlassen Masaki NISHIOKA
Actus Reus and Mens Rea in Conspiracy Yoshiyuki NAGAI
Theft between Spouses in Anglo-American Criminal Law Jun ISHIDO
Betriebsführung und Untreue Masaaki YAMAMOTO
Zur Nebenklage in der StPO Haruo SHIMIZU
Career and Works of Professor Masaru OKAMOTO
General Index to Vol.75