Vol.LXXIII (2009)

No.1 (April 2009)

Etude sur la décentralisation en France Junko IIJIMA
International Responsibility of Member States in connection with the Acts of International Organizations (II) Kiyohisa TANAKA
Legal regulations of marriage in China (II) : legal marriage and de facto marriage Tiemuergaolitao
Case Comment
Case on Business Law Business Law Seminar of Tohoku University

No.2 (June 2009)

Eine Betrachtung über den Fälschungsbegriff (V) Yukinori NARUSE
Die Rechtsstruktur des Fehlersurteils im Produkthaftungsrecht (II) Shigeto YONEMURA
The Guantanamo Detainee Litigation and “the Rule of Law” Hajime KIMURA
Lay Participation in Criminal Prosecution : Re-examining American Grand Jury System & Japanese Prosecution Review Commission System (Kensatsu-shinsakai) Satoshi SHIRAI
Case Comment
Case on Business Law Business Law Seminar of Tohoku University

No.3 (August 2009)

A Study on Business Sales out of the Plan Process in Japanese Civil Rehabilitation Law Yuuko KAWASAKI
Die Rechtsstruktur des Fehlersurteils im Produkthaftungsrecht (III) Shigeto YONEMURA
Is the precautionary principle applicable to genetically modified organisms ? : A preliminary analysis based on French legal cases Isabelle GIRAUDOU
Case Comment
Case on Civil Law Civil Law Seminar of Tohoku University
Case on Business Law Business Law Seminar of Tohoku University

No.4 (October 2009)

The Development of the Unconstitutional Conditions Doctrine in the United States of America (I) Akio NAKABAYASHI
Zur Entwicklung von der Interessenjurisprudenz zur Wertungsjurisprudenz (I) Hiroshi HATTORI
Case Comment
Case on Public Law Public Law Seminar of Tohoku University

No.5 (December 2009)

Le nouveau développement du mode de réglementation en droit français : L'assouplissement du droit du travail et les rôles des normes collectives et du contrat de travail Yumiko KUWAMURA
L'Accès des ressortissants étrangers aux fonctions et emplois publics en France : Introduction à l'étude des notions de <Nationalité> et de <Citoyenneté> (I) Shin SUGAWARA
Zur Entwicklung von der Interessenjurisprudenz zur Wertungsjurisprudenz (II) Hiroshi HATTORI
Case Comments
Case on Public Law Public Law Seminar of Tohoku University
Case on Public Law Public Law Seminar of Tohoku University

No.6 (January 2010)

La contractualisation en France (I) Junko IIJIMA
Rethinking about “Illegality” in the State Redress Law Kaoru INABA
Critical Analysis of the Draft Articles on Responsibility of International Organizations drafted by the International Law Commission of the United Nations Toshiya UEKI
The Earmarked Taxes in Local Government Masahiro SHIBUYA
La signification et l'avenir de la révision constitutionnelle du 23 juillet 2008 en France Miyoko TUJIMURA
EU's Internal and External Policies on Gender Issues with the Theoretical Approach regarding EU as a “Regulatory Empire” Hidenori TOZAWA
The Traditional Public Forum Akio NAKABAYASHI
“Community” as a Doctrine of the Urban Public Policy : the Case of “Sendai City Community Vision” Izuru MAKIHARA
Career and Works of Professor Osato IKUTA
General Index to Vol.73